What is an example of Self Discovery?
There is no greater desire than living victoriously and basking abundantly in the many opportunities life has to offer.
But one reason the majority are still struggling to get to this point is their inability to appropriate themselves to the power of their mind (self).
1. Self-Discovery is the process of gaining a deep understanding of your own self, character, needs, values and purposes in Life.
2. Self-discovery is defined as the process of gaining knowledge or understanding of your abilities, character and feelings.
It is important that you have a good understanding or knowledge of yourself. It is in learning more about yourself and who you really are that you can be able to know your strengths and weaknesses and work towards leveraging and or developing them.
3. Self-Discovery, start to examine your own thoughts, your words and your actions, in order to reach your own conclusion regarding who you really are.
Being aware of your potential allows you the power to chart the course of your life with focus and strategy.
Self-discovery is realising that your mind (self) is unlimited in its capacity to create whatever you desire. It is walking in the light that there are no limits to what you can achieve and absolutely no hindrances to how high you can propel yourself in life.
With the power of self-discovery, possibilities are endless and who you end up becoming is not essentially determined by your background, environment and or the circumstances that might have come up over time.
If the content of your mind is richly positive, you can change anything about you. Failure to realise the power inherent on the inside of you will only result in stagnation but if you desire a better quality life; one of greatness and success, then, you’ve got to appreciate who you are and navigate towards your passion.
People who are aware of their passion and identify their abilities find a path they want to pursue which in turn leads them to a life more fulfilling.
When you have no clear picture of the person you want to become or the things that matter most to you, you are likely to define yourself with the things that go on in your life on a daily basis and or what others think about you.
It is your responsibility to establish a balance of your life and you can’t attain this if you do not appreciate yourself and know your true worth.
Who you are today is an outcome of how much of yourself you know and how much you know about the power of your own mind.
Your life and the totality of your personality (what you do, what you say, how you live) is a reflection of your thoughts and your mindset (self).
Sometimes, in your life you may feel that you have done all that know to do to improve your life and yet you still feel stuck.
This could be the result of not having the right guidance, or not monitoring your thoughts. In this case you will need to re-train your mind and re-educate yourself into seeing yourself from where you are right now.
Remember this important bit of information and that is. It does not matter what other people think of you at the end of the day. BUT it does matter what You, think of YOU.
Start believing that you are worth it, and that you have the power to achieve anything.
Remember Todayz The Day to start investing in YOU.